20 May 2014

Spring Inspiration: What Starts Here Changes the World

University of Texas at Austin 2014 Commencement Address - 
Naval Admiral William McRaven

At this crazy time of year, when Spring has finally sprung, schools are letting out for summer, our schedules seem to be out of whack and we feel exhausted and ready for some time away,  I encourage you to stop… and find a few minutes to listen to this amazing commencement address at The University of Texas at Austin.  I can guarantee you it is worth all 19 minutes of your time.

It will inspire you and re-energize you… it will encourage you to be your best and seek the best in others…it will even empower you to want to make your bed EVERY day… and it will make you want to change the world a tiny step at a time. There is not a single person this will not speak to and move to action.

I, for one, will be putting this in my file to review and remind me every so often of what I am capable of doing when I forget.  I invite you to do the same… and to pass it along.

That's how what starts here changes the world.



  1. I will definitely take the time to watch! Thank you for sharing : )

  2. Thank you for sharing! Hook 'em.

    Drew Carls
    University Communications,
    The University of Texas at Austin

  3. This speech is so inspiring!! Makes me even more proud to be a Longhorn!!
