02 June 2014

Design Inspiraton: SOMBRILLA...The Greatest Beach Umbrella Ever!

Every summer, when my family and I go to the beach, we purchase a new beach umbrella at the local grocery store when we arrive.  I know that it will be the worst $20 I will spend all trip….and it will bring me hours of frustration when it only covers my feet or blows down the beach with the slightest gust of wind.  However, at my age and with my fair skin - i cannot afford not to have one.

Skye Hollingsworth and Claire Harris - the cute Aussie girls behind the SOMBRILLA at Hollie & Harrie -  have come to my rescue!   Every now and then a new product comes along and changes your life.  PEOPLE…. THIS IS IT!

I saw these adorable umbrellas on PINTEREST last year  - of course, AFTER we had gone to the beach, but I could not wait to get my hands on one this summer.  Being a total blue and white girl, I selected the Moroccan Blue pattern above but they are all super cute.

The Sombrilla designs are bright and sophisticated and made from 100% cotton.  Not only are these light weight and fashionable… they are a design HOME RUN!  You see… as the sun or wind shifts, so can your umbrella!  They are brilliantly designed to have two coverage settings and they provide 95% UV protection. Genius.  Pure Genius!

(And don't forget to think outside of the box… how many of you could have used this at your kids' sporting events or a family picnic??)

And if all of that was not enough… they come in the perfect carrying case!


I am so ecstatic about this umbrella - i have ordered a second one!!  Not kidding!  one for me… and one for everyone else…..

Here's to a fabulous, sun-filled… but properly shaded summer!


All photos courtesy of Hollie & Harrie.


  1. These are genius, thank you so much for sharing Tiffany!! I am definitely going to buy one! I hope you are having a fabulous summer!

    The Glam Pad

  2. That is so cool. We have been using one of those pop-up canopies. It works but its not nearly as pretty.
