10 February 2015

Design Inspiration :: My Fascination with Doors

Barbara Barry

Portella Doors
Andrea Brooks Interiors 
Jones Pierce Architects
Daniel Cuevas

There is something about doors I find wildly intriguing!  So much so, I have an entire Pinterest board dedicated to the THE DOOR!  I am fascinated by not just the color but the design details such as the moldings, the glass, the hardware...even the hinges!  When I am traveling, I find myself taking pictures of random entrances and wondering what magical secrets must exist behind them.  In fact, the significance of the door shows up not just in design but in literary references, historical references, and even biblical references.

It is one of the first things someone might notice when they arrive at your house.  A door is not just a door... a barrier to an entrance....it is the opening into your your most intimate setting... so it is an important element of your house design that should not be overlooked. Be it in a tiny dark apartment hallway or a grand estate, your front door is a reflection of you and your style.

What does your door say about you? Is it clean? Is it freshly painted? Is it a color that is pleasing and enhances the front entrance? Does it have a beautifully polished knob? How does it greet you when YOU first walk up?

Next time you enter you home, take it all in.  I bet you will be surprised with what you see.


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