27 February 2015

The Love of Entertaining :: 5 Tips for Sprucing up your Patio for Spring

Tiffany Jones Interiors

Friends... it has been a chilly week in Dallas!  While we have had very little winter to speak of... these past grey days have me thinking about beautiful patios for Spring!  As soon as it is possible, I love to have friends over and entertain on the patio.  It just puts me in such a festive mood.  The extended day light... just slightly warmer air (but not too hot!)... the long hours of chatter with old and new friends.... There is just nothing better. Entertaining on the patio has a cozy feeling that can't be achieved anywhere else. So, let's get ready for Spring!

5 quick tips for sprucing up your patio for entertaining

(1)  Make sure the patio is swept clean and the cushions are clean.  

          This is 80% of making your patio look like a million bucks!

(2) Add some evergreen plants in pretty pots.  

          It softens up to the space and adds warmth. I love  a boxwood or a topiary tree or two
          for height.  But be careful... too many will make a jungle look and that is not 
          welcoming.  Less is more so invest in something that you really like... and make sure 
          the pots all match.  If you already have mis-matched pots, consider painting them all 
          the same color for a more cohesive look.

(3) When you are ready to entertain, add a layer of flowers to bring in some color

      Maintaining perennial plants can be a chore so only bring them into patio mix when you
      can get their full enjoyment.

(4) Pretty Pillows!

      Even if your patio furniture is old, hand-me down furniture, the minimal investment of a 
      few "nicer" pillows will change the whole attitude of your patio.  

(5) Lighting!

      Look at your outdoor lighting.... if you have just an ON/OFF switch on your patio lights, 
      consider adding a dimmer to create a softer atmosphere.

      No lighting at all??? Consider an indoor/outdoor floor lamp with a 60 watt bulb or oodles
      of votives.

If possible, string some all white party lights on your patio or place them in your potted plants.  It takes the ambiance to the next level!

Here's to thinking about Spring and enjoying our friendships!



  1. Great advise. I'm with you 100% on adding dimmers to all lighting. I'm looking forward to Spring entertaining too.
    The House of Hampton

  2. Great tips, Tiffany! Our patio certainly could use a freshening up!!

    The Glam Pad

  3. I think making the outdoors more welcoming is bound to invite your family into spending more time, together, outdoors this spring. Your post can surely help people for transform their patio into a beautiful outdoor space.
    Outdoor Furniture
