08 January 2014

My word for 2014


Happy New Year, Friends!

Like many of you at this time of year, I have been struggling with whether or not to set any New Year's Resolutions… struggling because, really… what's the point in setting them when they are the same handful of things every year and I accomplish none of them?  Hence - I typically choose not to set any so I have not failed on January 2nd and doomed myself for the rest of the year. Sound familiar?

But something about 2014 feels different.

I have been noticing a lot of friends and bloggers have been selecting a word for the year.  While I did not really understand much about it, I was quite intrigued by this idea... so I set out to do a little research on the topic and I LOVE what I have discovered.

So - this whole notion of selecting a word for the year is to help you narrow down and focus on a goal, a desire, a life change…whatever happens to be speaking to you in your life yet you have not been able to fine tune and articulate.  It is a brilliant concept, really.

Following the advice of fellow blogger, Ali Edwards, I started with the LIST she published last year and my process was this… I wrote down any word on the list that grabbed me.  When I got to the end, I had 22 words written down. 

What I found was almost mind blowing... they really all connected to one another… a theme, of sorts, emerged that reflected some words actually acting as building blocks to others.  Next, I grouped the words that went together and crossed them off the list one by one.  What I discovered was a bright, clear path leading me to the last word on the list.  And you will never guess… It is EXACTLY the right word for me for 2014.

(Humor me with the biz school flow chart…)

So my word for 2014 is ACCOMPLISH!

I am so excited, I can hardly stand it.  Now that I have my WORD FOR THE YEAR, it seems ridiculously easy to set a few personal and professional goals.  This was an amazingly easy exercise for the amount of enlightenment it provided.  Bring on the new year!

What's your word of the year?  I would love to know!



  1. I think mine is SIMPLIFY! There are so many things I can do to simplify my life! :-). I'm sure we'll check in over lunch and see how 2014 is going with our words!!!

  2. Replies
    1. This is a great word on so many levels and one i need to remember more often. good luck, toots!

  3. I love this idea. I think my word is IMPLEMENT. Happy 2014, Tiffany!

    1. A great word for you too, Jennifer! I am so excited for all of things you are already working on this year.

  4. I love this! Cant wait to figure out what my word is!

    1. mallory -- Let us know what you came up with… so exciting!



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