29 January 2015

The Lost Art of Taking Tea

I have always loved to have tea.... I think it is something I inherited from my mother.  She loves a good afternoon of tea but a FANCY afternoon out was typically saved for a birthday or special occasion.  However, when I lived in London... the art of taking tea became a regular occurrence both with my friends and my girls.... It is just such a civilized way to spend the afternoon.

Many times I will have tea and scones with cream and berries for my children after school. It is a beautiful way to slow down from the hustle and bustle of the day before the afternoon and evening activities begin.

Here is a little "tea knowledge" I learned while living overseas...

  • "Taking Tea" refers to the ceremonial aspects of this glorious afternoon activity
  • Did you know "TEA" does not just refer to the drink (this is where my love of champagne gets to come in...) but rather the MEAL of tea?
  • There are 2 types of TEA... Afternoon or "low tea" & "high tea"
    • Afternoon Tea is taken between 2 and 5 p.m. and is usually a light snack with sandwiches, cakes, pastries and scones.
    • High Tea is taken between 5 - 7 p.m. and is considered an early evening meal

I'd like to invite you to find an afternoon to enjoy The Lost of Taking Tea.... I think you will find it to be one of the most enjoyable and rejuvenating respites you have had in a while.


all photos property of Tiffany Jones Interiors

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