03 February 2015

Winter Inspiration :: Fresh Cut Flowers

I love the month of February... It is a short, happy month that conjures images of love, chocolate and all things pink.  However, despite those "happy" thoughts the reality is most days are typically cold and grey... It is when we start thinking Spring cannot come fast enough.  But let's not wish away the days... after all, how is already February??? Instead, let's look for little elements of beauty to add our grey days to help get us through the winter.

One of the design elements I try to almost always have in my house is fresh cut flowers.  I place them in the entry hall, the kitchen, my desk and sometime my bedroom... places where I will appreciate their beauty most. These are not crazy, expensive arrangements from the the florist... they are literally from the the grocery store, simply arranged in small vases.  (I seem to gravitate to the pink ones...tulips, roses, peonies... regardless of the time of year).  I find flowers to be a simple yet elegant reminder of the of complexities of nature and there is not a single design accessory I love more!

Should you find yourself needing a little winter "pick-me-up", bring a bright flower arrangement into your space.  I think you will appreciate and enjoy the beauty it adds to your surroundings.


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