04 September 2013


Source: Via Pinterest

Source: Munger Interiors via Pinterest

Source:   Rod Winterrowd's Manhattan Design Studio

Source:  Unknown, via Pinterest

Source: Susan Eason Interiors / Holiday House NYC 2012 via Pinterest

As the laziness of summer comes to a close, I usually feel the need to re-organize my office so that I am at the top of my game for the Fall (and the ever closely approaching holiday season).  I am not one of those people that can work "anywhere".... Working at a Starbucks would cause me to have hives (no offense to Starbucks).  I have always needed a beautiful space in which to work... it inspires my creativity and feeds my soul.  It gives me confidence and a sense of peace at the same time.  Depending on the location in which I was living or the stage in my life, creating that "beauty" meant very different things but whether working in a corporate office or a home office, I have always tried to make the space my own.

Here are 12 things that will enhance the beauty of your work space...why not give some a try and see what magical things can happen.

  • Fresh flowers
  • A family photo or two to bring a familiarity
  • A Beautiful Lamp
  • An Inspiration Board
  • A New Coat of Paint or Wallpaper
  • Books that inspire you
  • A Pretty Pencil Cup
  • A Favorite Candle or Trinket
  • A Piece of Art on the wall
  • A Crystal Jar with your favorite candy 
  • The Right Storage Solutions for keeping the clutter at bay
  • A Comfy Chair 


  1. Beautiful images...I love the one with the sculptures! I have a great little home office but need to ramp up the decor. I have some extra linen from the curtains in the adjacent library, and I was thinking about having a bulletin board made for inspiration pictures and such. Another thought is to do a gallery wall with all of the small art pieces that don't really have a place in my house.

    Great post!


    1. Hi Holly! Thanks for visiting! I appreciate your time and support! I love the idea of a gallery wall.. especially if it gives you creative inspiration!



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